The original recipe I started using I found at White House Black Shutters. But I found that 4 cups of water was too much and I had to squeeze out each wipe before using. I also noticed a little mold in the bottom of my containers. After doing some online research I learned that it was because I wasn't using them fast enough. My solution was to switch to distilled water instead of tap water, and I also started making 1/2 batches at a time to make sure I use what I make.
So enough babbling, here is the recipe I use to make my wipes, using similar steps as White House Black Shutters:
Homemade Baby Wipes
Makes 1/2 Batch
- Container with lid - I got mine at the Dollar Tree, but I don't reccommend it
- 1/2 roll Paper Towels - cut full roll in half with sharp knife, save other 1/2 for later
- 1 1/2 cups warm Distilled Water
- 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
- 2-3 drops Baby Shampoo - I use California Baby Tea Tee & Lavendar Shampoo/Bodywash
- 1 drop Baby Lotion - Optional.. sometimes I do this and sometimes I don't
2. Add paper towels and lid, aking sure it is well sealed.
(Make sure the cut side of teh paper towel is on the bottom.)
3. Flip container upside down for at least 5min.
4. Flip right side up and remove cardboard center. Use!
(Pull wipes from the center.)
Let me know if you try it and what you think!