I found super cute barnyard invitations and party decorations on clearance at OrientalTrading, and just went with the flow. I also got these awesome cow print balloons, even though I probably could have just made them myself. Either way they were a big hit!
While I was searching for cow party supplies online, I came across this cow dress on etsy and fell in love! I really wanted BabyGoose to have one to wear at her party, but I didn't want to pay $30 either. So instead I went and bought my own fabric and had my good friend at Sew Sew Crafty make one for me! It turned out great! And the best part is that she made it big enough for BabyGoose to grow into! (We actually dressed her up as a cow for Halloween, so it worked out perfect!)
I wanted to give party favors for all her friends, but I hate giving little cheap stuff that will get thrown away, so I put on my thinking cap and this is what I came up with.... Cow bags (small white gift bags from Michaels that I colored black spots on with marker) with bandanas (from OrientalTrading), cow bubbles (from the Dollar Tree, then colored on with a sharpie), an extra cow balloon, and farm animal chocolates and crayons (made by me with a candy mold I purchased on Amazon)! I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself for these!
I don't have any picture of the food we had, but we basically had backyard bbq food... hot dogs, burgers, pasta salad, fruit & veggie trays, and chips. Simple yet filling. For dessert, we had a Cow Cake made by me! (I'll eventually be posting how I made it if you want to check back later!) I don't claim to be a baker or a cake decorator by any means, but I do think my cake turned out pretty good, and BabyGoose loved it!
Overall I think we had a pretty awesome barnyard birthday!
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