And this is what I found! Too cute, right?!
So off to the store I went to get some cute fabric for mine.. I ended up getting a few fat quarters for $.99/each at walmart. And I wish I had pictures from start to finish, but I dont, sorry! But here is what I made:
I think it turned out pretty good! My first time sewing a cube, so I can't complain too much, but the one this I didn't care for was that it wasn't very sturdy. I wanted something that would sit on mmy table without rolling over, so back to Pinterest I went where I found this tuna can pin cushion, and thought PERFECT!
The easy part was making tuna salad for lunch, but the hard part was cleaning the darn can! I tried soap and water like suggested, but my can still stunk of tuna, so then I tried vinegar. Still no luck. Then I tried lemon juice, then bleach, then baking soda, and still the can stunk of tuna, so I gave up and threw the darn can away!
So I moved to Plan B, which was using a plastic yogurt container instead. It was easy to clean, and easy to paint! I was worried that it would be hard to paint because of the smooth surface, but to my surprise it was very easy. I just used black craft paint and a brush and painted it on like you would on any other craft project. It took about 3 coats to make it look even, but even still it only took maybe 15min. After the last coat was dry, I sprayed it with a semi-gloss sealer to help prevent the paint from scratching off. I followed the same directions used by Kara in the original post, except instead of shoving fiberfill into my fabric, I decided to just put a thin layer of fiberfill then put my ugly "blueberry" inside, tied it up, glued it into my yogurt container, and it fit perfectly! Then, as Kara also did, I added some ribbon and buttons with hot glue to finish it off!
(Please ignore the white thread! It kept sticking, darn static!)
Now my ugly "blueberry" is cute as a button, and I love, love, love it! Goose calls it a cupcake and says "Yum Mama!" everytime she sees it!