
I hope you enjoy my blog of my many adventures in life, and I promise to post as often as I can!

*Most photos I'll be sharing will be my own, if not I will do my best to link/share the original owner. I don't mind the pinning/sharing of my photos, but please ONLY the photos that have my MamaGooseAdventures signature on them. Thanks!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Pin Cushions

Wow!  I knew I was falling behind with keeping my blog updated, but I didn't realize that it's been over a month since my last post!  I have so many things to share!  We'll start with my pin cushions!I know I'm not the only one who hates the darn tomatoes or strawberries or whatever they are supposed to be.  At my first sewing class I actually got a blue one as part of a free beginners sewing kit, so I guess it was a blueberry?  Anyway, I think they are ugly, so I wanted to make something prettier to help keep me in a good mood while I'm working on projects, so off to Pinterest I went to look for some good ideas!

And this is what I found!  Too cute, right?!

So off to the store I went to get some cute fabric for mine.. I ended up getting a few fat quarters for $.99/each at walmart.  And I wish I had pictures from start to finish, but I dont, sorry!  But here is what I made:

I think it turned out pretty good! My first time sewing a cube, so I can't complain too much, but the one this I didn't care for was that it wasn't very sturdy.  I wanted something that would sit on mmy table without rolling over, so back to Pinterest I went where I found this tuna can pin cushion, and thought PERFECT!


The easy part was making tuna salad for lunch, but the hard part was cleaning the darn can!  I tried soap and water like suggested, but my can still stunk of tuna, so then I tried vinegar.  Still no luck.  Then I tried lemon juice, then bleach, then baking soda, and still the can stunk of tuna, so I gave up and threw the darn can away! 

So I moved to Plan B, which was using a plastic yogurt container instead.  It was easy to clean, and easy to paint!  I was worried that it would be hard to paint because of the smooth surface, but to my surprise it was very easy.  I just used black craft paint and a brush and painted it on like you would on any other craft project.  It took about 3 coats to make it look even, but even still it only took maybe 15min.  After the last coat was dry, I sprayed it with a semi-gloss sealer to help prevent the paint from scratching off.  I followed the same directions used by Kara in the original post, except instead of shoving fiberfill into my fabric, I decided to just put a thin layer of fiberfill then put my ugly "blueberry" inside, tied it up, glued it into my yogurt container, and it fit perfectly!  Then, as Kara also did, I added some ribbon and buttons with hot glue to finish it off!

(Please ignore the white thread!  It kept sticking, darn static!)

Now my ugly "blueberry" is cute as a button, and I love, love, love it!  Goose calls it a cupcake and says "Yum Mama!" everytime she sees it!


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