
I hope you enjoy my blog of my many adventures in life, and I promise to post as often as I can!

*Most photos I'll be sharing will be my own, if not I will do my best to link/share the original owner. I don't mind the pinning/sharing of my photos, but please ONLY the photos that have my MamaGooseAdventures signature on them. Thanks!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snack Stations

When I first heard talk about Pinterest, I honestly did not get it!  Then when I heard friends talking about how awesome it was, I decided to give it a try.  Now I'm addicted to it!  It is simply amazing and I love all the stuff I find on there!

Just the other day I found these Snack Stations and my first thought was something along the line of "hmmm, good idea, but that would take up alot of space."  Then after thinking about, I realized what an awesome idea it really was!  BabyGoose loves to pick out her clothes, her shoes, her silverware, her cup, so she why wouldn't she love to pick out her snacks too? 

So I headed over to the local Dollar Tree where I picked up a couple bins, a few storage containers and snack-sized ziploc bags.  And I'm pretty proud of what I came up with!  Our Fridge Snack Station is filled will string cheese, yogurt, jello cups, fruit cups, baby carrot sticks with mini containers of ranch dressing for dipping, and cuties!  I had to clean out and re-arrange the fridge, but it fits and we still have plenty of room for all of other other food.


Our Pantry Snack Station is filled with pretzels, dried blueberries, craisins, veggie straws, gerber fruit puffs, and peanut butter/cheese crackers! The funny thing is that BabyGoose wouldn't touch pretzels with a 10 foot pole, and now that they are in they're own little bags, they are her favorite!

It's so convenient that I found this pin because I was just thinking how I wish BabyGoose would eat healthier snacks, and now she is!  She loves being able to pick out her own baggie of snacks, and has surprised me with the great choices she's made (of course I've limited her choices, but that's beyond the point)!


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